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Overcome Anxiety With Our Hypnosis App For iPhone & Android

Includes our most popular anxiety treatment session free, with the option to upgrade to 10 more sessions.

Download the Anxiety Relief Hypnotherapy app for your iPhone or Android

Get the Overcome Anxiety Hypnosis app for iOS (iPhone or iPad) here or for Android here.

Is anxiety making your life a lot harder than it needs to be?

Do you find yourself worrying a lot, thinking the worst, catastrophizing about what might happen?

The worst thing about anxiety is it's very difficult to think yourself out of it. Anxious feelings create anxious thoughts, which create anxious feelings and so on. It's a vicious circle with you at its center.

But there is some good news. The free hypnosis session in the app  - Overcome Fear & Anxiety - will relax you so wonderfully deeply that for a good while afterwards your anxiety levels will be much, much lower, if you have any anxiety at all.

Then, repeated listening will calm your nervous system so profoundly that it will start to get much harder to get anxious, and when you start to feel that way a lot of the time, the anxiety problem will be well on its way to being sorted for good.

With over 20 years experience, and more than 1/2 million hypnosis sessions sold, Uncommon Knowledge knows how to set your mind at rest and gently help you to feel calmer and more relaxed, and reduce anxiety levels.

The app is super-simple, you just install it and hit play on the free session. You can use that for as long as you like, but if you want more variety at any time you can upgrade to the monthly paid option and access 10 more anxiety sessions.

Our most popular anxiety session 'Overcome Fear & Anxiety' is free inside the app to reduce your anxiety right away. Then, if you like what you hear, you can unlock the other anxiety sessions with the monthly payment option.

From Uncommon Knowledge, delivering hypnosis since 1998.

Free session included:

  • Overcome Fear & Anxiety

Paid sessions included:

  • Generalized Anxiety Treatment
  • Anticipatory Anxiety
  • Overcome Performance Anxiety
  • Shyness and Social Anxiety
  • Stop Panic Attacks
  • 7:11 Breathing Relaxation
  • Stop Thinking the Worst
  • Trust Yourself
  • Body Scan Relaxation
  • Spring Meadow Relaxation

Get Sleep Well on the Apple App Store here Get the 'Anxiety Relief Hypnotherapy' Android app on the Google Play Store