Stick to Your Gluten Free Diet

Hypnosis is a great help if you really want to keep to your gluten free diet and stay healthy.

Gluten Free Diet

Have you been diagnosed with gluten intolerance or coeliac disease?

Do you find it difficult to stick to the safe foods that you know you must eat?

A well known health website's information page on coeliac disease tells visitors that "a gluten-free diet can reverse damage to the small intestine. This requires considerable discipline."

And it does, doesn't it? Yes, you know all about how eating even small amounts of gluten can affect you, both short and long term, but why does it have to be such hard work to steer clear of the stuff?

Our Co-Founder's Story...

Roger Elliott, Managing Director of Uncommon Knowledge & Hypnosis Downloads

"Hello. As a coeliac, I know how hard it can be to stick to your gluten free diet. And just how important it is too. Especially when first diagnosed as having coeliac disease, the gluten free diet can seem an overwhelming, impossible challenge. This download will help you tackle that challenge, and you'll soon see it's not really that hard, and how much better you feel.

Good luck!"

Roger Elliott
Hypnosis Downloads & Uncommon Knowledge

A gluten free diet ought to be easy - but it doesn't feel that way

It ought to be easy, because, after all, gluten is a relative newcomer to the diet of human beings. Until we developed the arts of cultivation, grains would not have been a viable foodstuff for human beings, and our digestive systems have evolved on a largely grain free diet. So when you avoid grain-based food, you are only doing what your body has evolved to do naturally.

But the modern world isn't 'natural', in that sense. The ascendancy of grain is so recent that we haven't yet fully evolved the capacity to process it safely and some 1 in 100 people have coeliac disease (many undiagnosed), and many more gluten intolerant - that is, they actually become ill if they eat gluten.

In addition, the foodstuffs readily available to us now include a huge amount of grain-based products, making it hard to avoid gluten because you won't even know it's there.

All of this makes going food shopping tricky - you must read the ingredients list on every package very carefully. And not all food producers are meticulous about spelling out what's in their delicious concoction. Eating out, or even going to a friend's house for dinner, can be even more tricky - not to say awkward!

But somehow, for your own sake, you have to find a way...

Hypnosis can help motivate you to stick to a gluten free diet

Stick to your gluten free diet is an audio hypnosis session specifically designed for the gluten intolerant that can also be used by anyone who would prefer to stick to a diet with fewer or no grain based elements.

The hypnotherapist who conducts the session himself has coeliac disease and shares the wide knowledge he has gained over the years about how to live happily with this condition and stay in control of the dietary requirements.

As well as bringing you invaluable practical tips to make your life easier, this powerful session will

  • change how you feel about having to stick to a special diet
  • transform this requirement from a burden to an opportunity
  • boost your determination to eat the right things as a matter of course
  • free you to enjoy growing health and energy levels

Download Stick to Your Gluten Free Diet and get on with enjoying your life. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.

Listen to the introduction of Stick to Your Gluten Free Diet

Read Video Transcript

Maybe you're listening to this because you've been diagnosed with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Or perhaps you suspect you might be gluten intolerant and want to improve your health by eliminating gluten from your diet.

Gluten is found in foods and drinks containing wheat, barley, or rye, and some people also need to avoid oats. This means cutting out products such as bread, pasta, biscuits, beers, and any sauces or condiments made with flour. It's worth consulting your doctor, reading a book about celiac disease, or researching reliable sources on the internet for more detailed information.

Understanding Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease

As you may know, the immune system of someone with celiac disease treats gluten as a threat, attacking the lining of the small intestine and, sometimes, other cells in the body. This damage makes it harder to absorb nutrients and can lead to other problems.

Symptoms of gluten intolerance may include:

  • Digestive issues
  • Bone weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Skin rashes
  • Mood swings

Not everyone experiences the same symptoms or to the same degree of intensity. However, if left undiagnosed, celiac disease or gluten intolerance can predispose you to other serious, life-threatening conditions.

Adjusting to a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

When I was first diagnosed, it felt overwhelming to think about how careful I would need to be with my diet. However, I was so grateful to feel well again. To some extent, I was already prepared for the adjustment since my mother is also celiac.

Many gluten-intolerant people I've spoken to initially felt like their life was over. The idea of dining out or socializing seemed daunting, and the loss of many familiar foods was hard to accept. This stage of adjustment can feel like grieving.

Over time, though, acceptance sets in, and it's important to develop strategies to manage the condition.

Navigating a Gluten-Free World

Fortunately, eating a gluten-free diet gets easier every year. Many gluten-free food products are now available, and a growing number of restaurants offer gluten-free options. For restaurants that don't, I find it useful to have a pre-prepared explanation of my dietary needs.

For example, I provide free cards in over 40 languages on my website, These cards explain gluten-free requirements and can be given to restaurant staff. I usually speak privately with the waiter before the meal to explain my needs.

For social gatherings like friends' dinner parties, I often bring some of my own food. This approach ensures I don't unintentionally burden others or risk eating something that could make me ill.

Gluten-Free for Health

Interestingly, many people without celiac disease also choose to follow a gluten-free diet. They report greater energy and overall improved health.

Emerging research suggests the gluten molecule can be challenging for the human body to process, and as many as five out of six people show a measurable immunological reaction to gluten.

Advocates of the Paleolithic diet, for example, promote eating foods that humans evolved to thrive on, such as:

  • Meat and fish
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Nuts and berries

Grains, including gluten-containing ones, are a relatively recent addition to the human diet. Some suggest that humans haven't fully adapted to thrive on them. Whether celiac or not, many people report feeling fantastic after eliminating grains and embracing a more ancestral diet. For more information, check out

Shifting Your Perspective

This session is about adjusting your attitude toward a gluten-free diet. Instead of seeing it as a heavy burden, you can view it as an opportunity to become healthier, stronger, and more energetic than ever before.

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Stick to Your Gluten Free Diet has been purchased by 258 customers.

Stick to Your Gluten Free Diet

Narrator: Roger Elliott
Length: 24:22

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