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A brief, free guide to self hypnosis

12 steps to create your own self hypnosis script

Self Hypnosis by a Woman

If you want to learn to hypnotize yourself, the process is just the same as hypnotizing someone else. When we trained people in our workshops over many years, we taught them to treat themselves as someone else - which immediately creates the natural dissociation typical of hypnotic states.

This means that you can use all the techniques you learn in our free online hypnosis course for self hypnosis - and you go as far as to use language in the same way as you would if you were hypnotizing someone else - for example, "you can sit there and relax" rather than "I can sit here and relax".

A quick guide to self hypnosis

Please note that self hypnosis should never be practiced when driving, operating machinery or carrying out any other activity that requires your full attention.

1) First, decide what you want to achieve

Always be clear and specific about your goals and write them down before you begin your hypnosis. Writing down what it is you want to achieve or change can really help you to straighten things out in your mind and goals can suddenly look more realistic, specific and focused. Keep it short and keep it achievable. Stick to one or two goals only in a single session.

2) Write out a plan

It's a good idea to write out a rough plan for your induction, or at least have in mind the path you're going to follow with your hypnosis script. If you like, you can write out your script in full.

3) Repeat your goals

Write several different suggestions for each goal, expressing the same goal in different ways. This will reinforce the suggestion and ensure that it is accepted into the unconscious mind.

4) Create your own vision for your success

Develop your own imagery and symbols for supporting and visualizing your goals. Imagine yourself achieving whatever you wish to. Make it real, like a memory but in the future.

5) Make it personal

Use language and images which reflect your own experience. We all have our own memories and experiences of the world, and speak to ourselves in our own language. Put your suggestions into your own words and use images you are familiar with.

6) Use your own voice

Don't think that you need to speak like a hypnotist! Begin the session in your normal voice at a relaxed pace. As the session progresses, slow down and soften your voice so that as you enter hypnosis, you are speaking softly, and at a slower pace than when you began. Your voice can return to normal at the end of the session as you leave hypnosis.

7) Make yourself comfortable

Find a place that is quiet, comfortable and free from disturbance to practice self hypnosis. You certainly must not be driving or in any other situation where your immediate attention is required. Soft music and lighting may help but we would not recommend the burning of candles.

8) Relax

Use deep breathing and relaxation techniques to prepare for entering hypnosis. Just focus internally and start to notice whatever you notice. This is not a time for judging, analyzing, criticising or worrying. Notice your thoughts and feelings and assume that very soon they will just drift away - they are really not necessary at the moment. Allow your mind to become calmer and clearer.

9) Count yourself down

When you're just getting started, using 'deepeners' in your hypnosis script, such as going down a staircase or an elevator, or floating down a stream, can help you go deeper into your hypnosis. Count down in your mind as you go deeper into relaxation. At times there will be inner resistance to relaxation especially when you first start to practice self hypnosis. Just be aware of it and let it go... it will!

10) Create an inner world

Spend some time in your own special place. Create your own magical place in your mind, maybe somewhere you know, maybe just an imagined paradise. This can be a place where you feel safe and relaxed and anything is possible. Use all of your senses - what can you see, hear, feel, smell and taste? Make this experience as vivid as you can, again, you will get much better with practice.

11) Make it easier next time

Towards the end of your trance, include some post-hypnotic suggestions for re-entering self hypnosis next time you practice.

12) Count yourself back

At the end of your session, count yourself back to full awareness. Suggest to yourself that when you leave hypnosis you will feel refreshed and alert. Check that you are once again fully awake and alert and enjoy the rest of the day!

You can, if you wish, record your hypnosis scripts. This can be a good way to enter hypnosis and make changes you have already planned, without the need to remember your script as you enter trance.

For more details on self hypnosis, sign up to our free online hypnosis course.