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What study methods can help me academically?

Hey Mark,

I was wondering if you know any really helpful studying techniques, methods, or advice that could help me in my schoolastique life. :)

And THANK YOU for everything!

This question was submitted by 'Khawla'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hi Khawla and thanks for writing in.

Here are a few tips to help with your 'schoolastique life'. : )

  • When you learn something, revise it by explaining it to someone else – even if you are just pretending to teach it to an empty room. Research found that teaching others is a great way to learn yourself. It gives you a chance to spot any gaps in your knowledge and to contextualize and consolidate your learning.
  • Take a break/nap after learning or do twenty minutes of self-hypnosis – it's during this 'down time' that memory gets consolidated and can become more permanent. Likewise, it's been found that study 'goes in' better if we sleep after studying.
  • If you feel like putting your study off, then don't sit down with the intention of working for hours. Just put on a timer for 5 minutes and aim to just do 5 minutes. Of course, once you start, it can feel more natural and easier to keep working. (See: 'A simple power trick for getting stuff done' from my practitioners' blog.)

I also suggest you take a look at '7 Savvy Study Techniques to Keep You Learning' for some more ideas.

All the best,


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - April 1st, 2015 in

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