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Should I move on from this woman?

My girlfriend, whom I live with, has been chatting profusely on Facebook for about a month to an old high school friend. Then, after many arguments, she went out with him last night and stayed the night at a hotel. I am still living in the same house and I have about two months to find a place to go. Today when she came in, she just smiled at me and I asked, "What is so funny?" She replied, "Nothing is funny about this."

Does it sound like a rebound or do I need to continue to move on? We have been together about 12 years. We did have a baby that did not make it. I feel like she is rubbing it in my face. I just need some good advice, please. Thank you.

This question was submitted by 'Anonymous'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hi and thanks for your question.

At the very least, it sounds like she's playing games. She knows you were anxious about this, but stays out all night, smiles when she returns, and says nothing. It seems like she either doesn't care about your relationship or is trying to make you jealous or both. Or she is so confident she can treat you any way she wants and still keep the relationship that she is doing as she pleases.

That's the way it seems from your few words. Of course, I'm not hearing her side and of course there will be things I don't know. But on the surface, I have to say it doesn't look good.

You say you have two months to find somewhere else to live. You didn't say why you have two months to leave - whether that is what she said to you or you said to her. What I will say is that you have your pride and dignity to consider and don't let her trample over that. If the relationship's finishing, treat her well but don't put up with being treated badly yourself.

I hope things go well for you.


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - May 5th, 2014 in

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