I want to be rid of Ulcerative Colitis
Hi Mark, I have been suffering with Ulcerative Colitis for the last 3 years and my symptoms are pretty painful. The colitis is affecting the lower part (about 20%) of my large intestine and another name to describe this area is Proctitis. My condition and its symptoms are exacerbated by stress. Thinking back to when i first got it, i remember that i was going through a terrible relationship break up. I feel that the emotional stress i was under at the time caused the disease to develop. Since then i have moved on with my life and i am now happily married. However, the UC has stayed. The doctors can only prescribe very strong immuno-suppressants which have terrible side effects. I have recently started a new job and it entails going to study at Uni once a week. I am terrified of doing presentation and the usual 'stomach in knots' feeling is nothing compared to how worked up I get. This has effected my stress levels and caused me to start bleeding again from my ulcers. I have tried your downloads as I know hypnosis really helps me - I started on the Presentation subject downloads and have just downloaded the chronic illness one (You'll be able to see all the one I've tried from the list). Please can you advise me on what to do? and the best way I can deal wiith my condition and hoping become fully healed
This question was submitted by 'sanjaynayee'

Mark says...
Hi sanjaynayee,
As you know Ulcerative Colitus is an inflammatory autoimmune disease and like all illnesses but especially autoimmune ones it seems, physical and mental stress tend to bring them out and, if there is an underlying weakness may bring them on to start with. As you say it started for you around the time of the massive stress of a relationship breakup.
Hypnosis really helps you so you should certainly keep doing that. Take time every day to listen to the download that helps you feel realxed the most. I don't suggest you come off the terrible side effect producing immuno-suppressants without the help of your doctors and then very gradually. But you didn't mention your diet. Try cutting out, or cutting down on anything that produces inflammatory respsones such as sugar (and other stimulants). Grains might also have an inflammatory effect so it might be worth cutting those down. I'm guessing you have tried different things with your diet. I have no connection to Mark's Daily Apple but there is some good advice on their too.
So, look at his site and also work to cut down on any maladaptive stress in your life. If memories of that awful break up still plague you then I suggest you use the 'Let go of the past' download.
All my best for you future,