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My son is an alcoholic and marijuana addict

My son is an alcoholic and marijuana addict. He will be out of his third treatment. His therapist says he is very stubborn and not very ready to fight his addictions. This situation is affecting me very much and has lead me to a constant depression. I have been reading your emails and I would like to know if he could use the dowloads for this two situations.

This question was submitted by 'MP'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hello, certainly your son could use hypnosis downloads to help him overcome alcohol and marijuana addiction. His stubborness directed properly will become determination. All stubborn people, when they begin to use thier stubborness for what it is meant to be used for can make rapid progress in my experience. He needs be resistant and stubborn when it comes to having his life controlled and dictated by alcohol and marijuana. His therapist shoud be using his gift of stubborness.

All best wishes,


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - January 7th, 2014 in

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