I would like to travel more but have become very anxious about being away from home
I gone from being a reasonably confident solo pack packer in my 20's to becoming very anxious about being away from home to the point it is stopping me do thing I would like to do. It centers on sleeping poorly in away from home and getting into a downward spiral from there. The poor sleep has cascaded into anxiety over loss of control of environmental conditions (bad beds, poor temperature control, noise, claustrophobia in sealed hotel rooms, duvets that are too hot, pillows that are too large etc). I am now retired an would love to do more travel.
This question was submitted by 'Malcolm'
Mark says...
Certainly we've got an away from home audio session that you could try Malcolm on the site. We've got plenty of sleep better sessions as well that you could use whilst being away.
I would also use self hypnosis to envisage a whole trip as well - I remember seeing a client, she came to see me, and she had been also a quite an avid traveler in her youth. She had bit by bit lost her confidence in travelling and she had an upcoming family trip with another family. So she was taking her kids away with another family who had taken their kids away all together and she was very anxious about this, and they were going to be staying all kinds of different places. And what I did with her was I re-evoked hypnotically the confidence and the joie de vivre and the in the relaxed manner and attitude and the spirit of adventure, and the openness to experience that she had in her youth. I hypnotically revoked those feelings and I had her project those feelings into the future.
I also did something rather unusual. I used something called the Rewind Technique on the future imagining of this upcoming trip. So the Rewind Technique is usually used for phobias and for post-traumatic stress disorder, but we can use it for Imagined future events as well, sometimes to take the edge out of them, the anxiety from them, and that's what I did with her.
But do do check out our sessions online Malcolm because we've got so many and you may well find exactly what you're looking for.