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Can hypnosis help me to get fit and lose weight?

Hi Mark

I'm a 33 year old man and have really put on weight over the past couple of years. I guess I am currently around 30 lbs overweight (I was 40lbs overweight) and apart from the way it makes me look it feels really uncomfortable to be carrying all that fat around. I have been using your 'Stop Comfort eating' download and also the 'low carb diet' download for the last month and lost 10lbs which feels fantastic and I will keep listening to them because they help me eat better without having to feel I am trying to eat better if you know what I mean. But now I feel ready to exercise to tone up and get some decent shape. The trouble is I find myself putting off exercise and making excuses. I have a gym membership and when I go I do actually enjoy it. Can hypnosis help me be more motivated to exercise more often and with more dedication? And if so which download/s do you suggest?

This question was submitted by 'Tom F'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hi Tom,

Firstly it's great you are getting back to your slim self. Exercise, apart from the way it shapes us up, is healthy and makes us feel good. But as you say motivation can be a factor in stopping us working the body the way we should. We have several downloads that will help you introduce regular exercise into your life (BTW did you take a before picture?).

Exercise needs to become as habitual as cleaning your teeth or getting out of bed in the morning. And it can be. I suggest you start with 'Boost Your Exercise Motivation' and alternate it daily with 'Boost Your Gym Motivation' and a couple of times a week listen to the 'Make Healthy Choices' session.

I'm looking forward to hearing of your continued progress. Remember also that once you have toned and slimmed even more these changes need to be part of who you are in the future. If we can retain healthy patterns for 95% of the time we can be trim and fit for life.

All my best,

watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - December 9th, 2013 in

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