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Feel crippling anxiety and muscle tension when completing tasks

Steve Allen's picture

I recently found out I have OCPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder), which is categorised by several things, but I mainly struggle with the following:

  • A persistent pattern of preoccupation with order; perfectionism; and control of self, others, and situations
  • A striving to do something perfectly that interferes with completion of the task

I also have ADHD and find it difficult to focus (my attention is scattered).

My biggest struggle right now is writing enough content in my freelance work. Every time I'm near the end of an article, I start tensing up and get even more distracted. So I procrastinate a lot, because I'm putting off getting stuck and feeling paralyzed.

I already have the following audios and I'm hoping to find something more specific to my situation:

  • Overcome perfectionism
  • Manage ADHD
  • Improve Concentration & Focus
  • Anticipatory Anxiety

Thank you, I really appreciate any suggestions.


Rebekah Hall's picture

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your question.

Below you'll find links to a couple of sessions that should help.

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team