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Getting rid of fear that every mistake will be punished

Anonymous's picture

I have a deeply seated belief that any time I make a mistake, it will have unpleasant consequences. I think it comes from experiencing a strict schooling system, where no "excuses" were taken into account and every mistake, however honest, was a personal failure to be punished. I still feel like I need to be perfect to protect myself.

I tried downloads like "I Am Enough", but it didn't really cover it, because I don't feel like there is something wrong with me, rather that there is something wrong with the world, that it is dangerous to make mistakes. I am simply afraid that making mistakes will get me "punished" (rejected, mocked, reprimanded, fired, attacked, or worse).

Is there a session that could help with that?

Rebekah Hall's picture

Hi there,

Thank you for your question.

Below you'll find links to a few sessions that should help.

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team