Hively Customer Satisfaction Survey
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I want to help others find the right hypnosis download. How do I do this?

  1. Visit Which Sessions?
  2. Select Unanswered Questions to see questions that haven't received a response. Or if you have a better suggestion for an already answered question, you can browse All Questions.
  3. Select Add your Suggestion, then 'Please choose the downloads you want to suggest' button and tick the download(s) you'd recommend in response to the question.
  4. If you'd like to add any explanatory comments as to why you suggested the download(s) you did or mention how they helped you, you can do so in the large comments box, but this is optional. Please note that anything you write will be visible publicly on our site and your name will be posted with your answer.
  5. If you'd like to receive emails when others add to the question thread, tick the 'Please subscribe me to this question thread' box.
  6. To assure the site that you're human(!), tick the 'I'm not a robot' box. You may be prompted to enter the text in an image.
  7. Click the 'Publish my answer' button. If you need to make any edits or change your mind about posting, you'll have 10 minutes to edit/delete after you hit this button.
  8. To reduce spam, if this is the first answer you've posted on the site and/or your text contains any links, your answer will not appear immediately. Our moderators will clear your answer for publication within 7 days.